The Football Years
feat. John Charles Kay

We are pleased to announce that a grant from Arts Council England Lottery Fund is enabling us to further research the link between Turton Tower’s resident John Charles Kay and the formation (and influence) of Turton FC on Lancashire Football in the 1870’s.

Since 2022 we’ve been researching various links to football stories in Turton and surrounding areas, we’re now seeking help to fill in the gaps. We want to ensure we can tell the story for years to come and believe there may be some vital information and objects out there that could help solidify our findings. Do you or your family members have any information that might be able to help us?

We’re particularly interested in:

•Information on the formation of Turton FC in the 1870s

•Family or football related heirlooms from the local area dated around the 1870s including but not limited to; photographs, medals, trophies, team record books

•Information or memorabilia relating to any clubs in the Blackburn, Bolton, Darwen triangle from the 1870s

•Issues 1-6 of the East Lancashire Cricket and Football Times

•Ancestors or people with a close connection to the Kay family of Turton Tower, particularly John Charles Kay and his involvement with football in the area

Please do get in touch if you think you may be able to help us with our research.


Deadline: There is no specific deadline however, if you think you can help, please get in contact as soon as possible.